JLD Headquarters is officially open for business!
Construction began in mid-July, and wrapped up last week. The project was the final capstone on our efforts under Building for the Future. This undertaking led to the JLD creating an accessible home.
We appreciate your patience as members while the office went through these improvements. I am also particularly thankful to our JLD Staff for being understanding and tolerable of the construction activities.
With the conclusion of the construction projects, JLD members will see the following major improvements:
New concrete ramp: All members and guests, as well as those dropping off and picking up supplies from HQ, will now be able to navigate our entrance with improved accessibility. The new concrete ramp leads up to the front door and another leads to the parking lot.
New vertical lift elevator: Our new lift is a smaller version of a full-size elevator, and is designed to hold one person with a wheel chair. Guests will board the lift directly inside our front entrance, and can then be transported to both the upper and lower levels of our building.
New fire exit on the lower level of building: With the installation of our new fire exit on the lower level, our building capacity increases from 49 to 123! The stairwell leading to the door is located in our parking lot.
After business hours, members can park in the lot next to ours as the JLD has a standing agreement with the lot owner. This provides 10 additional parking spaces in the evening.